The purpose of NOAH's Uranium Group is to provide information on the nuclear fuel chain, including the environmental, energy, foreign and security policy consequences of uranium extraction, processing, transport and trade, as well as nuclear waste disposal.

NOAH's Uranium Group has a large number of collaborators in Denmark, Greenland, Sweden, Germany, Holland, Australia, etc.

All the entries in the list below are in English.
They can also be found on our Danish page together with a large number of entries in Danish.

Uranium mining in Greenland

NOAH's Uranium Group aims at educational and information activities in Greenland and Denmark in order to help reintroducing Greenlandic uranium-zero tolerance. The group actively engages members and networks in both places.

Press releases, publications, news etc.


Notification about incorrect information from Critical Metals Corp (27 November 2024) 

The authorities’ legal defense in the Kvanefjeld case (2. February 2024)


Press release: New mining legislation makes it easier to protect Kvanefjeld  (9 January 2023)


Press release: The Kvanefjeld Mining Project And Other Uranium Projects Should Be Stopped (27 September 2021)

Position paper on uranium bill (31 July 2021)

Green NGOs Publish Transcript from Kvanefjeld Owner’s Annual General Meeting (4 June 2021)

Uranium and Rare Earth Elements in Greenland – Past and Present (article in Nuclear Monitor #891, April 2021)

Appeal to the Greenlandic and Danish Governments and the European Union to Help Protect the Greenlandic and Arctic Environment             (10 February 2021)

141 NGOs call for a moratorium on large-scale mining and oil and gas extraction in Greenland (Press release, 10 February 2021)



NOAH Friends of the Earth Denmark publishes the EIA report for the Kvanefjeld project (14 December 2020)



New setback for the Kvanefjeld mining project in Greenland - Article in Nuclear Monitor #879 (4 November 2019)

Press release: The Owner of the Kvanefjeld Mining Project Undermines Greenland’s Environmental Standards  (21 September 2019)

Decision GML complaint 2019-09-06  (6 September 2019)

Kvanefjeld Project. Environmental Impact Assessment (24 August 2019)


Greenland Mineral and Energy's EIA report (VVM rapport) October 2018 (17. oktober 2018)  New version

Greenland Mineral and Energy's EIA report (VVM rapport) September 2018 (15. oktober 2018)

Kvanefjeld Mining Project Endangers UNESCO World Heritage Site (8 August 2018)

Pro-uranium government in power in Greenland - Article in Nuclear Monitor #861 (28 May 2018)


The Kvanefjeld project does not meet Greenland’s Mineral Resources Act’s environmental and climate requirements (10 March 2017)


An open-pit uranium mine on an Arctic mountain-top - Article in Nuclear Monitor #829 (24 August 2016)

Greenland’s Parliament votes down referendum on uranium mining (25 May 2016)

NOAH activist demonstrates 24/7 against uranium mining in front of Greenland’s Parliament (17 May 2016)

Referendum on uranium mining in Greenland must include the Kvanefjeld project (25 April 2016) 

Greenlandic-Danish uranium agreement threatens public health and the environment (23 February 2016)

Uranium in Greenland: Risky business - Article in Arctic Journal (12 February 2016)


Breach of faith regarding referendum on the Kvanefjeld mining project (16 December 2015)

Controversial Uranium Mine in Greenland Close to Deal - Article in Worldwatch Institute Europe’s Newsletter (19 August 2015)

31 July 2015: Demonstration – URANI NAAMIK, messages from abroad:

Messages from Helen Caldicott and Jan willem Storm van Leeuwen


The prospect of uranium mining in Greenland might be over - Article in Nuclear Monitor (2 October 2014)

Uranium in Greenland: The government aims at undermining environmental rights (10 July 2014)

New report confirms that the Kvanefjeld mining project is not sustainable (28 April 2014)

International conferences in Nuuk and Copenhagen document that uranium mining is not sustainable (27 March 2014)


Greenland drops uranium mining ban - Article in Nuclear Monitor #771 (2 November 2013)

International support for the zero-tolerance-politics on uranium (26. april 2013)

Statement on Uranium Mining in Greenland (26. april 2013)

Rare earth elements can be extracted in Greenland without uranium (11. marts 2013)

J.W. Storm van Leeuwens report on Kuannersuit/Kvanefjeldet


The Danish Nuclear  Waste

NOAH's Uranium Group has been engaged in the ongoing process of finding a repository for the Danish nuclear waste in recognition that the final waste concept for the long-term radioactive waste was not appropriate.

Press releases etc.


16 October 2017: Government proposal on nuclear waste disposal is a victory for the environment


30 October 2015: The Danish nuclear waste management process must be improved - Feature-article in Ingeniøren

26 March 2015: International waste conference indicates that the Danish final repository project for low and intermediate level radioactive waste is problematic

16 March 2015: Danish Decommissioning and The Danish Ministry of Health cancel participation in international nuclear waste conference


1 December 2014: Öko-Institut criticises the Danish final repository project for low and intermediate level radioactive waste from Risø National Laboratory

3. november 2014: Journey to the Safest Place on Earth

Short chronology of the Danish decision-making process for the future management of nuclear waste (fra 13. marts 2003 til 3. juli 2014)

EURATOM and Energy Policy in the EU

NOAH's Uranium Group engages in European energy policy, focusing on the abolition or reform of the EURATOM Treaty and the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency.


International Conference: Options for EU Treaty Change in the Energy Field - Copenhagen 10 November 2022


19 February 2020: Statement on EU Treaty Switch



18 June 2018: Energy Transition in Europe: Options for Constitutional Reform - Conference Documentation


22 December 2016: The new EU energy package is not sufficient

Website from the International Conference on EURATOM 23 September 2005

October 2017: WISE International publishes the report Climate Change and Nuclear Power by J.W. Storm van Leeuwen 

NOAH's Uranium Group was established 7 May 2014. The group is set to continue the cooperation between NOAH's Energy and Climate Group and SustainableEnergy, The Danish Ecocouncil, Avataq (Greenland) and Urani Naamik (No to Uranium/Nuclear Power)

The Uranium Group is also in other ways the successor to the work done by NOAH's Energy and Climate Group on nuclear issues in the previous decades.

Members of the group as of February 2024

Arnavaraq Simigaq Heilmann (Greenland)

Erik Jensen (Greenland)

Qivioq Nivi Løvstrøm (Greenland)

Najaaraq Paniula (Greenland)

Jan Rethmar Petersen (Grønland)

Hans Pedersen (Denmark)

Henning Bo Madsen (Denmark)

Margrethe Thorsen (Denmark)

Niels Henrik Hooge (Denmark)

Palle Bendsen (Denmark), kontaktperson, palle(at), 30 13 76 95