Faellessalen 2015
Panel in Faellessalen 2015

International Conference: Options for EU Treaty Change in the Energy Field

Fællessalen, Christiansborg
Christiansborg, 1218 Copenhagen

Initiation of a constitutional amendment procedure in the European Union seems increasingly likely due to the positions on treaty reform of the European Parliament, the European Commission, France and Germany as well as other EU member states. By describing the options for treaty change in the energy field, the aim of the conference is to document how EU’s constitutional framework could look like if it included mechanisms for an efficient and timely green energy transition.  

      ATTENTION: New venue: Fællessalen, Christiansborg - see below



Welcome speech

Henning Bo Madsen, NOAH Friends of the Earth Denmark / INFORSE-Europe (Denmark)


An NGO-Perspective on the Euratom Treaty

Julia Bohnert, MSc MA, Spokesperson and Project Manager, Platform Against  Nuclear Dangers (PLAGE) Salzburg (Austria)


The Future of the Euratom Treaty: Legal Perspective and Options

Dr. Dörte Fouquet, Partner at Becker, Büttner and Held Law Firm (Germany/Belgium)


The European Energy Transition Protocol

Dr. Wilhelm Bergthaler, Lawyer at Haslinger, Nagele & Partner and Honorary Professor at Institute of Environmental Law, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (Austria)


Switch of the Treaty Establishing the European Atomic Energy Community into a Treaty on Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation

Prof. Dr. Michael Geistlinger, University of Salzburg (Austria)


A Political Perspective on EU Treaty Change in the Energy Field

Martin Lidegaard, Member of the Danish Parliament from the Social Liberal Party, Chairman of the Parliament’s Foreign Policy Committee and former Danish Foreign Minister and former Minister of Climate, Energy and Building (Denmark). Martin Lidegaard is the host of the conference

Last minute cancellation due to ongoing negotiations on the formation of a new government in Denmark following general elections 1 November

16.00-16.15 Refreshment break

Panel Debate: What Future for EU Treaty Change in the Energy Field and How Should It Be?

Panelists: Julia Bohnert, Dr. Dörte Fouquet, Dr. Wilhelm Bergthaler, Dr. Michael Geistlinger, Michèle Rivasi MEP for the Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance and Søren Egge Rasmussen, Member of the Danish Parliament and Energy and Utilities Spokesperson for the Red-Green Alliance.

Moderator: Dr. Göran Bryntse, Chairman of the Swedish Renewable Energies Organization, Chairman of The Swedish Environmental Movement’s Nuclear Waste Secretariat, Vice-President of European Renewable Energies Federation (Sweden)

16.55-17.00 Conclusions and closing

Dr. Göran Bryntse, Chairman of the Swedish Renewable Energies Organization, Chairman of The Swedish Environmental Movement’s Nuclear Waste Secretariat, Vice-President of European Renewable Energies Federation (Sweden)

The conference language is English. Changes in the program may occur. 

The conference will be streamed. You can follow the conference via this zoom-link


ATTENTION: CHANGE OF VENUE: The conference will take place in the main building of the Danish Parliament, Christiansborg

  • Access to Christiansborg - see map below
  • We recommend that participants arrive no later than 13.30 (half an hour before the start of the conference). All visitors have to pass through a security check:

Security check

All visitors will be requested to go through a security check at the Visitors' Entrance, which is located beneath the main staircase in Rigsdagsgården. For security reasons, searches similar to those used in airports will be conducted upon entry. As a rule, security checks should only take a few minutes, but waiting time may occur during peak periods. Visitors are therefore requested to arrive 15 minutes before their appointed time.

When you arrive at the Visitors' Entrance, please ring the bell at the entrance door. When you have been admitted to the building, an employee will ask you to empty the contents of your pockets into a tray together with your bags, coat and jewelry. Your belongings will be scanned, and you must go through a body scanner.

After the scan, bags, coats and other items may be placed in a locked wardrobe. If you want to store your belongings in a locker, you will need a 20 kroner coin that will be returned to you when you collect your items. There is a change machine near the Visitors' Entrance.


Conveners of the conference:

NOAH Friends of the Earth Denmark, SustainableEnergy, Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy, INFORSE-Europe, The Swedish Renewable Energies Organization, Friends of the Earth Europe, Platform Against  Nuclear Dangers (PLAGE), Nuclear Transparency Watch, Atomstopp, Réaction en Chaîne Humaine, Uranium Network and European Environmental Bureau.


The conference is supported economically by EuropaNævnet, 1. MajFonden, SustainableEnergy, Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy, INFORSE-Europe and NOAH Friends of the Earth Denmark







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