Flashpoint Latin America – the fight for climate justice
Flashpoint Latin America – the fight for climate justice

Flashpoint Latin America – the fight for climate justice

Nørre Allé 7 2200 KBH N

Embark on a journey into the heart of Latin America's environmental battlegrounds! Join us for a riveting roundtable discussion with Iréne Vélez-Torres – Colombian professor, environmental activist and former Minister of Mines and Energy– and Danish movements and activists engaged in Latin America.

As rich countries increasingly look for Latin America’s abundant minerals and renewable resources to fuel their economies and the so-called green transition, we unveil the untold stories of environmental destruction and human right violations as well as of the struggles of environmental defenders to protect their land and rights and to promote a just energy transition, while facing violent confrontations with powerful transnational companies and local and global political elites. This is a narrative of crisis, resilience, and hope.

Save the date for an evening in which we will bridge borders and work towards climate justice!

Once the event comes to an end, a reception will follow and there is the possibility to stay for communal dinner at Union Kulturhuset. The price for the dinner is 65 kr/person. 

Event organized by NOAH, Oxfam Denmark, Colombia Solidaritet, and independent scholars.

Keynote speaker: Irene Vélez-Torres

Other speakers: NOAH, Colombia Solidaritet, Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelse, Peru Solidaritet, Danish Institute for Human Rights and Oxfam Denmark


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