Connecting struggles New partnerships across Europe

30. april 2018 · Kl. 17:07 Nyhed


Times of disruption are always times for radical change, and the Covid-19 crisis forces us to reconsider our way of living. This terrible pandemic might be a once in a generation chance to remake society and build a better future. Corona has shown painfully that we live in a time of social and economic inequalities, widespread poverty and ongoing mass extinction. Many young people understand that solutions will need to simultaneously prevent climate change, tackle inequalities and bring about an intersectional change. These solutions will have to be fair for all - free from hate speech, racism, sexism, xenophobia.

Growing populism and anti-democratisation overwhelms and isolates individuals and groups trying to achieve change. Especially now, when we are living more isolated than ever, we need to organize ourselves beyond our traditional networks and, build and strengthen long-lasting collaborations that take an intersectional approach! We need to create a collective visioning with youth groups and communities that are currently underrepresented in climate justice movements, and provide a safe and joint platform to collectively create shared visions of the future and make strategic joint plans towards achieving them.

To achieve this we want to host a Youth Action Weekend in Denmark to bring together 60 youth representatives from organisations, groups and institutions from Northern Europe. Over the span of one weekend, we will form our shared goals, visions and networks by way of activities, debates, and workshops. In these confusing times it is difficult to say when this weekend can take place. However, this should not stop us from building relationships to make this weekend happen when the time is there. That is why we would like your organization to be a part of this by asking young people of your organization to join us for this weekend and share their views and values. We have the funding to do this, but we need your help and people to make this work!

Safety will be one of the key-aspects of this weekend. To make sure that the project will be a safe space for everybody, we will set up safer space policies and implement them practically in different activities. The project will not involve minors to reduce possible safeguarding risks. Do you have ideas or suggestions on how to make this weekend pleasant and safe for everybody? Or do you want to help us with giving shape to the kind of activities and workshops? Let us know! We are looking for people who will be interested to join our small workgroup to help the organization of the Youth Action Weekend! For any questions please mail




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