Climate Summer Camp 2021: Rethinking the European Green Deal

Online and in Makvärket
Regstrup, Denmark.

Oh hello, welcome! We're glad you found your way to NOAH's climate summer camp page.

Do you feel that (European) climate politics is all about greenwashing, business as usual and not about creating climate justice for all? Do you think the people making decisions always look and say the same? What about representativity? This is your chance to learn more about how climate and social justice are linked and how we can only solve one issue if we address all issues at the same time. This is your chance to learn more, speak directly to young EU politicians and tell them how to rethink the European Green Deal from a climate just perspective.

What to expect: A four-day offline or a three-day online gathering where you will learn more about women's rights, degrowth, environmental racism, decolonial ecology and more. All of this within the larger context of the ongoing climate crisis. Become friends with fellow participants with who you share interests and challenge yourself and each other to form critical and inclusive positions on social justice issues. 

Due to the current Corona pandemic, we offer both an online and offline program whereas we recommend the physical event only being attended by those who are already in Denmark. However, both programs are similar and we promise the virtual space to be excited and full of fun too.  

For who: A maximum of 30 young people, aged 15-30 years old can attend the physical event in Denmark. A maximum of 25 young people can join the online gathering. 

During the Climate Summer Camp we strive for the greatest possible diversity. We encourage all interested to apply regardless of ethnic, cultural, economic, educational background and regardless of gender, religion, and more. Whether you are a seasoned environmentalist or you want to hear more about the climate crisis for the first time, the Climate Summer Camp is for everyone! Previous knowledge is by no means required, but a large portion of curiosity and an open mind is. 

Program: We will release the full list of workshops, debates and other activities as we get closer to the day of the event. To get you excited, here are some promising workshops run by us and our partner organisations already: 

- Growth, degrowth or green growth? 

- Green transition or greenwashing? 

- Ecofeminism and climate change

- Conflict, peace and climate refugees

- No climate justice without racial justice 

- Important steps towards radical systemic changes

- Escape game, vegan cooking workshop, artivist discussion, rap music, zine making and more! 


When: 1st of July - 3rd of July, every day from 10 am - 5 pm. No worries, we will take plenty of breaks. 

Where: From your own living room, garden or bedroom? Everything is possible online. Maybe you can even sign up with a couple of friends and have your own little Climate Summer Camp from wherever you are located. 

Practicalities: Previous to the start of the event, you will receive a physical toolbox in your mailbox with materials and goodies to make the sessions as fun and interactive as possible. We will also make sure there is enough time to get to know your fellow participants before and during the event. 


When: 30th of June, from 5.30 pm - 4th of July, until 4 pm

Where: Makvärket, Regstrup, Denmark. 

Practicalities: All participants will live together at Makvärket for 4 days. Vegan food will be provided for all meals and dormitories are available. You don't need to bring anything, just come as you are. We will pay close attention to ensure that the current Corona measures are always respected. 


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