
Food Sovereignty Festival: Call for volunteers

Afrika Kontakt
Wesselsgade 2, st., 2200 Copenhagen

We are searching for dedicated activists to organize a festival on food sovereignty in May 2019 with us. Join us at the kick-off meeting to get involved

The festival will take place from 16th to 18th of May and it will focus on different topics around food sovereignty: production, distribution and consumption but also the political, ethical and environmental implications of the food system. The festival will explore and investigate these different topics and present alternative and more sustainable ways to eat, use, and think about food.

We will not only enjoy tasty alternatives through partnering food stalls but also spark interest in the topic of food sovereignty through lively discussions and keynote speakers, creative games and interactive workshops. We want to create a festival for all ages, backgrounds, and positions and together raise awareness on the impact our food system has on our climate.

Become a volunteer and help us shape a festival in the center of Copenhagen while getting to know new, sustainable food initiatives and creating a network with interesting people. As an activist within our little festival organization group you will be volunteering as a member of one or more of our three working groups. The groups primarily take up the following tasks:

The program group:

  • Generate ideas for activities such as community kitchens, film screenings and debates
  • Reach out to participants (eg. keynote speakers, politicians, stall holders, organisations)
  • Planning and scheduling debates, dialogues and activities

The logistics/organisation group:

  • Shape the physical frame of the festival
  • Arrange the placement of the tents, our boat (yes, we have a boat!), tables, stalls
  • Lay the logistical foundations for a festival: Make sure there are basics such as water, electricity and a tent-roof above our heads
  • Organize a top notch recycling system for a hopefully minimum amount of waste
  • And by the waste... Can we arrange a sustainable toilet system for a three day festival?

The communication group:

  • Create information materials (posters, flyers and more)
  • Promote the festival through different Social Media channels
  • Help creating our promotion videos with partners in the Global South
  • Spread news and videos, possibly engage with radio station

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