• Magasin
  • 32 sider

ØkoKøn zine 001

13. marts 2019 · Kl. 14:12 Materiale
  • ISBN: 978-87-93536-50-0
  • Emner: ØkoKøn

We understand how gender and the environmental crisis are interconnected. We fight against the inequalities and opressions; we fight for justice and we want reclaim the nature and our bodies.

This zine takes you through a reflection on words and the power of language in Let's Talk. We will dive into the concept of motherhood to understand how we need to reshape the meaning of motherhood in the light of the ecological crisis. With magical empowerment we will take back our connection with what logic can't explain. We end the zine with with reflections on care and love and we raise questions to see the ecological crisis with new eyes.


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