
Conference: Global and Institutional Crises and Red-Green Alternatives

HK København, Svend Aukens Plads 11, 2300 Copenhagen S

Conference on privatisation and the commons by Transform!Danmark, transform!europe, Enhedslisten/the Red-Green Alliance, Afrika Kontakt, Solidaritet, Det Ny Clarté, DiEM25, NOAH – Friends of the Earth Denmark


Daniel Tanuro, Belgium, author, certified agriculturalist, ecosocialist activist: “Urgency of an ecosocialist alternative. How to fill the gaps in emissions and in consciousness?”

Elizabeth Mpofu, Zimbabwe, General Coordinator of La Via Campesina

Seminar 1: To combat climate change – the role of ecosocialism and ecofeminism

Yayo Herrero, Spain, Ecologistas en Acción: “Ecofeminist views to confront the Anthropocene”

Asbjørn Wahl, Norway, author and trade unionist, director of the Campaign for the Welfare state: ”The role of labour in the fight against climate change”

Seminar 2: Our common goods – reclaiming public services

Birgit Daiber – author and publisher, Transform commons working group, The Common-Good-of-Humanity-Network: “Left politics and Commons-movements in Europe”

Nanna Clifforth, NOAH Friends of the Earth Denmark: "Earth Incorporated: The impacts of trade and privatisation on nature"

Wanda Wyporska, Executive Director at The Equality Trust, Britain, campaigning organization working for greater equality: “Our common goods – reclaiming public services”


The conference will be in English. Read more and see the full program here.

NOAH's publication on deprivatisation.


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