Degrowth Book Club vol.2 - Ursula Le Guin
The degrowth group of NOAH invites you to join our newly started reading group! For the first reading we are diving into one of the modern heavyweights of (science) fiction: Ursula Le Guin. We will read one of her signature novels: The Dispossessed.
While reading a text on why green growth is a myth, how you plan for an economy without growth etc. might be an obvious place to start, degrowth is also about imagining a different society.
Here, fiction in general, and Le Guin in particular, is a great way to provoke your imagination and look differently at your own society and economy. So that is exactly the point of this first reading, and what better way than to do it through one of the most lucid minds of modern fictional literature?
If you are not familiar with Le Guin this might read like hyperbole, but she creates vivid and detailed worlds of her own, like an imaginary anthropoligist.
After reading the first three chapters of the book we will attempt to finish it, as decided by the very curious group that met on the 11th. Once again, we will meet at Nørrebrogade 39, 1.tv. where this time there will also be a simple meal. You'll have to buy/loan the book yourself though!
Degrowth group in NOAH.
Questions: send a mail to emil@noah.dk