
Madsuverænitetet aktiviteter


In NOAH's food sovereignty group, we discuss about agriculure, food and resources, the Common Agricultural Policy and its impact on farming, food production and consumption. We have a dynamic approach, where we try to meet farmers and build a constructive dialogue together.

The Food Sovereignty group will invite you to join different activities over the year:

You are welcome to contact us if you are interested to join one or more of our activities :)



Workshop in Jyderup Højskole. Speaker : Nanna Clifforth


Launch of the year for the food sovereignty group and welcoming of the new members at NOAH's office*


Visit of an eco-village with NOAH - citizens's -farmers exchange


Visit of organic and bio-dynamic farms on Sjælland and Fyn. Only 9 places available


Conference about pig production in Aarhus


Closing session before summer holiday - update and happy July!

*NB: from one meeting to the other, we organize the new meetings internally. 

** Due to the corona crisis, most of our activities from March have been moved online. Visit our facebook page for more informations.

For any information, interest or question, please contact Emmeline -

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Din støtte er altafgørende for, at vi kan levere et stykke arbejde, der gør en forskel

Ved at støtte NOAH bidrager du til kampen for en retfærdig, bæredygtig og solidarisk verden. Din støtte betyder, at vi kan arbejde uafhængigt, opnå større indflydelse og organisere flere kloden rundt.

Du kan nemt oprette en fast støtte via betalingsservice.

Eller du kan fx støtte via MobilePay eller bank. Hvis du opgiver dit ved indbetalingen er din gave fradragsberettiget (op til kr. 18.300 i 2024). Tusind tak!